Hoppiness and mouthfeel: a beer tasting guide
Written by Dominic Barstow (bar man and beer lover) When I was floated the idea of “What would you think of taking part in our Zoom beer tasting session?”, my first thought was the obvious “I don't even need an excuse to drink so hell yeah!”. But then it hit me, quite a worrying thought really as a bartender. “What do I actually know about beer tasting?”. Sure, I know when something tastes malty or hoppy (what hops? Hoppy ones), having at least average eyesight I
A crafty night in – an online beer tasting review
By Griz Greenwood (Crafty Fox patron and friend) My Dad introduced me to beer at the age of 15. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that we’d already met about 12 months earlier and we were already firm friends! Obviously, I’ve had a number of years beer drinking practice since then and always look forward to trying a new or different brew, whether at home or on my travels. My Dad had a saying: “There’s no such thing as bad ale, but some are
Reopening the Pubs, A Photographers Elation
Earlier this year, as the smell of banana bread was starting to fade and just as Grandma had finally figured out how to take herself off mute, the beacons of freedom were metaphorically lit and the country shared a collective sigh of relief – the pubs are reopening! Having spent much of the summer serving their customers through an amazing home delivery service (The Crafty Duck), Michelle and Baz were preparing the bar to re-open for a thirsty and eager public. I was asked if I
Musings from the latest addition to our team… Dom
Walking into my first bartending job, I was confronted with 7 hand pull lines. To myself they had never appealed, evenings in the pub were spent drinking your run of the mill lagers, with the occasional Guinness (among other things the ill-informed university student will occasionally drink). But here I stood, staring down a product I had no idea about. No concept of the difference between an IPA and a bitter. Hops were something bunny rabbits did. Little did I know of the wonders of
These last few months of 2020 have been incredibly testing times for us all with the COVID-19 situation, so as expected all events here at the Crafty Fox are postponed until further notice. We hope that soon we can return to some sort of normality with our weekly quiz and live music soon!